September 4, 2024

Click Interview with Uncreated: ‘Vanguard Has A Tendency To Go Towards A Darker Atmosphere Whilst Uncreated Feels More Optimistic’

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Swedish Electro-Pop formation Vanguard became a familiar and recognized name in the Electro-Pop scene. One of the band’s members Patrik Hansson decided to start a side-project called Uncreated. Several EP’s were released revealing a catchy, powerful, sound. This is danceable Electro-Pop getting people happy. The debut album “Eternal” released in 2019 was a successful production. By the end of 2021 Uncreated unleashed its second opus “Symbiosis” featuring an impressive list of guests singers.  Mark Hockings (Mesh), Björn Marius Borg (Xenturion Prime), Louise Marchione (Planet R/Thermostatic), Mikael Engström (Covered In Snow), Richard Flow (Machinsta) and Arielle Andersson (Octolab) contributed to this fascinating album released by Conzoom Records.

(Picture credits Peter Engman / Interview courtesy by Inferno Sound Diaries)

Q: What made you start next to Vanguard a solo-project? How do you differentiate both projects in sound, influences and production? 

Patrik: I have always wanted to work with other singers. That was actually one of the reasons I looked for a companion back when I met Jonas and we started Vanguard, but it turned out that I was the one grabbing the microphone. So, the dream to work with other singers lived on and Uncreated is the result of that.

When it comes to differentiate the projects it has become easier the more I have worked with both Vanguard and Uncreated. One obvious thing is the singers ofc, but also the production differs more and more. Vanguard has a tendency to go towards a darker atmosphere whilst Uncreated feels more optimistic so to speak. I don’t know in what direction it will go from here though.

Q: A solo-project smells like ‘total freedom’; to do what you want without any compromises. But what are the main difficulties and challenges you encounter when being the single member at board? Do you have external critics and/or advisors? 

Patrik: I always try to get input from people I trust when it comes to songwriting and production. Rob Dust has always been kind enough to help me out when it comes to production.

The co-writers/guest-singers have a lot to say as well. It is important that all involved are as satisfied as possible. I know I have some limitations when it comes to production etc, but the more I work with it, the better I become. 

Q: How did this ‘symbiosis’ between you and the singers happen? Did you handle specific criteria to choose the singers to work with? What have been the different stages you’d to go through to get the job done?

Patrik: I simply choose to ask singers whose voices I really like. Not all accepted but I am really happy that so many wanted to join me as well on “Symbiosis” as on all earlier releases. In some cases I had a song ready for the guest to record and in some cases I only had an instrumental track. On most instrumental tracks I had an idea of a melody, but I let the guest decide if they wanted to write something themselves or not, both lyrics and melody.

Q: How did the transition happen between your debut album “Eternal” and “Symbiosis”? What aspects of the production did you try to change and/or improve? 

Patrik: With “Eternal” I created a small foundation to grow from so to speak. I only had one guest on the album (Mel Guntzelsson). I wanted to spread the word just a little bit before I invited more guests. I guess it worked out quite well since I have been joined by great singers since then. Each release has helped me to spread the word about Uncreated to a bigger audience. After every release I let the songs ‘rest’ for a while before I listen to them again. In that way I have managed to take small steps in the right direction after every release.

Q: “Hand Grenade” featuring Mark Hockings rapidly became one of Uncreated’s most successful songs. Tell us a bit more about this song and the collaboration with Mark properly speaking? How did you know it was a song for him?

Patrik: Mark did a remix of “Break Free” (feat. Dennis Schober from Solitary Experiments) and that is how I got in contact with him. It was during that process that I told him I had a free spot for the upcoming album. I was really surprised that he accepted to join. I sent him an instrumental track and gave him time to work with lyrics and melody. The result was beyond my expectations. He also added a few elements to the production which really improved the impact of the song.

Q: What are your further plans with Uncreated? How do you expect the project evolving and what are you actually working on? 

Patrik: At the moment I’m gathering inspiration to do more tracks. I still have a list of singers I want to work with. Actually Magnus Dahlberg from the Swedish band More is currently working on lyrics for a track. Let’s see where that ends! But I have no release with Uncreated planned in the near future.

Vanguard will release “Spectrum” this spring and then we have some gigs coming up too. I want to focus on that. But if I know myself, I will probably get in one of my ‘zones’ when I least expect it. In that case things can go fast.

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Inferno Sound Diaries
I have been working for over 30 years with Side-line as the main reviewer. My taste is eclectic, uncoventional and I prefer to look for the pearls, even if the bands are completely unknown, thus staying loyal to the Side-Line philosophy of nurturing new talents.

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